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Objectively seize scalable metrics whereas proactive services, seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies.

BH BPO has been rendering scintillating business-related solutions at a budget-friendly price for over a period of eight years. Our BPO Company isn’t blowing out its own trumpet, but our passion to deliver the best services

is the factor making us exceptional. Owing to our immaculate repertoire of services, we are undoubtedly the only one of the leading business process outsourcing companies in the Island.

Getting the Right People

Delivering on The Promise

BH business process outsourcing services to reinforce your business bottom-line and add values to your offerings.
The Assistance of Experts
Highly experienced professionals to perform accounting services that will add value to your esteemed company.
Reduce The Internal Risk
Without depending on your staff, we provide continuous services.
Achieving High Level Of Accuracy
Dedicated staff of BH BPO will handle the accounting services smoothly and efficiently.
Cost Effective Services
A huge amount of fund can be saved on operational costs while enjoying the major advantages associated with our outsourced accounting services.
Fraud Check/Minimize
Accountable for every transaction processing as well as the quality and accuracy control.
Avoiding Penalties
Proper accounting procedure will reduce the tax risk during tax processing.
Up-to-date Technology
Benefit of progressive technology through systematic outsourced accounting services.
Saving Up On Processing Time
Outsourcing frees up time for further value-added revenue-generating tasks.
Visit our office during any business hour of any day or simply send us an email anytime you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
65/2 Sir Chittampalam A
Gardiner Mawatha
Colombo 02 Sri Lanka
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+94 11 2439889
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65/2, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka
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If you would like to find out more about what we do, or would like to talk, please contact us.
65/2, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka
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